Qualcomm Technologies recently has announced its new product, Snapdragon 210 processor; along with the company’s first LTE-equipped table reference design and the latest 28 nm transceivers as well as the next-generation Qualcomm RF360 front end solutions. These new designs and technologies were developed to achieve a high performance standard of computing and connectivity for entry-level and mainstream smart phones and tablets.
Snapdragon 210 processor
The new processor will offer integrated multimode 3G/4G LTE and LTE Dual SIM for entry-level as its main feature. It boasts of seamless, advanced LTE connectivity with fully integrated 4G LTE-Advanced Cat 4 Carrier Aggregation, LTE Broadcast and LTE Dual SIM/ Dual standby.
Additional features include:
- High Quality but low cost Full-HD(1080P) playback multimedia experience.
- Higher performance but low power quad CPU and Qualcomm® Adreno™ 304 graphics.
- Enhanced camera capabilities including zero shutter lag, high dynamic range (HDR), auto focus, auto white balance and auto exposure.
- Faster battery charging, made possible because of Qualcomm® Quick Charge™ 2.0 support
Qualcomm Reference Design (QRD) version of Snapdragon 210 processor
It is available in both smart phones and tablet configurations. It will include the above-mentioned features alongside with an improved connectivity capabilities including integrated 4G LTE-Advanced Cat 4 Carrier Aggregation, RF transceiver chip WTR2955, and Qualcomm RF360 front end solution for multiband and multimode support.
Qualcomm Reference Design (QRD) version of Snapdragon 410 processor
It is also available in both smart phones and tablet configurations. It will include a high performance but low power quad core mobile computing, 64-bit, and the latest version of Android™. Better multimedia and graphics experience with Adreno 306 GPU. Integrated 4G LTE World Mode modem with CAT4 which boasts seamless communication in any location as well as its speed up to 150 Mbps.
28nm transceivers
28nm transceivers, WTR4905 and WTR2955 are paired with Snapdragon 410 and Snapdragon 210 respectively. Both designs are optimized to support LTE and LTE Advanced multimode device in the mid and entry tier.
Qualcomm RF360 front end solutions
It covers power amplifier and antenna switch solutions for both modular and integrated architectures. It aims to allow device makers to easily customize the LTE products which can be use for global and regional band combination without sacrificing the quality of the performance.
There are a few models of this product:
QFE 3320 – it can be optimized for regional band combinations for mid and entry-tier devices.
QFE 3335/ QFE 3345 – it is for power amplifier.
QFE 1035/ QFE 1045 – it is to add flexibility and simplify routing of 2X and 3X carrier aggregation to support all 3rd Generation Partner Project (3GPP) approved LTE carrier aggregation band combination.
QFE 25XX – it is for antenna matching tuner which designed for stronger LTE connections when there is physical blockage such as the user’s head or hand.
The Snapdragon 210 processor and QRD reference tablet are expected to be launched in the first half of 2015 whereas the RF360 front end products are expected to be launched in the second half of 2014.
Product Released: Qualcomm Snapdragon 210 processor
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