LG brand has not announced anything about the LG G3 Smartphone. However, this device will have Bluetooth SIG upgraded version that has available in the recent Smartphone LG-F460S of LG. reports of the previous leak of LG-F460L model number; this can be the same device of LG G3 from the brand.
However, the leaked LG Smartphone has shown the features of the model number including LTE modem and Snapdragon 805 chipset. On the other hand, LG G3 has not any features that are included in the leak of LG-F406L model. For that reason, this can also be assumed that we are going to have the upgraded Smartphone of LG indeed. Moreover, this is no confirmation that we are getting premium version of features in LG G3 than the previous Smartphone or not.
There is no doubt that LG is working hard to present the most awesome features in all Smartphones of the brand. But, the upgradability of LG G3 is not coming to the end of the new features because it needs to upgrade the chipset of the Smartphones. While LG G3 is using Snapdragon 801 chipset, it will upgrade chipset level on it upcoming Smartphones.
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