5 Mayıs 2015 Salı

Sony Struggling to Meet Demand for Manufacturing Camera Sensors Orders from Other Mobile Companies

In a report released by Pan Jiutang, a Chinese IT analyst, it seems like Sony is having difficult time in fulfilling camera sensor orders coming from Chinese smartphone makers. Apart from Chinese smartphone markers, it seems like Apple is also ordering some of the camera sensors for iPhone 6c from Sony too. As a result, Sony can only meet about half of the demand for the Chinese smartphone makers with the rest of its output go to Apple. It seems like the camera sensors for iPhone 6c is already in productions.

One of Chinese smartphone manufacturers, Huawei, apparently only able to ship 50% of its devices which equipped with Sony cameras from the original order that the company plans to ship. ZTE, Oppo and Coolpad, on the other hand, only manage to ship about 10% to 30% of their original orders.  These companies apparently have to find other companies such as Samsung, Toshiba or OmniVision to fulfill the rest of the order.  HTC, even though it is not a Chinese company, apparently has approach Toshiba to manufacture the camera sensors for its HTC One M9.

It seems like manufacturers normally will prioritize the order productions based on the clients’ size and its order numbers. As a result, being top players in the smartphone industry definitely have an advantage over smaller players.

Sony Struggling to Meet Demand for Manufacturing Camera Sensors Orders from Other Mobile Companies

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