23 Mayıs 2015 Cumartesi

Russian Internet Authority Sent Official Notice to Facebook, Twitter, Google

Russia has passed a number of laws in the past year. It is seen as nothing less than a censorship. On top of that, recently, Russian’s federal office which handles communications, mass media and information technology which basically handles everything from telecommunications and internet sector, Roskomnadzor, has sent official notice to Google, Twitter and Facebook.

The official notice requests the three big companies to comply with national legislation to provide information on Russian bloggers who have more than 3,000 readers each day as well as to close site which the Russia’s internet authority seen as “unsanctioned protests and unrest”. There is a legislation law which was passed last year which stated that bloggers with large leaderships are required to register with a government agency and have their identities verified. Another legislation which was also passed last year mentioned that the Russians prosecutors are allowed to block sites without a court order.

Google announced in the company’s transparency report which is published twice-per-year that the company has responded to 5% of the total of 134 information requests from the Russian government during the second half of the year of 2014. Twitter is reported that the company has rejected 108 requests whereas Facebook, on the other hand, has declined to comment on the two requests that the company received last year.

As the three companies use encryption protocols to prevent the Russian’s agency to block specific sites, the only option that they have is to block the sites entirely. Ampelonsky, Roskomnadzor’s spokesperson mentioned that the agency realized that the three companies were registered under U.S. jurisdiction, however, the three companies should demonstrated equal respect to national legislation and if they did not, then the agency would need to apply for sanctions. There is no further information what the sanctions will be.

Russian Internet Authority Sent Official Notice to Facebook, Twitter, Google

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