Korean tech giant Samsung has recently launched two new headphones from its Level series of audio accessories. One of them is the wireless variant of the Level On headphones called as the Level On Wireless.
The Level On Wireless handset has got a touchpad on the side in order to control the music playback, feature like S Voice and also calls. The headphones come in with six built-in microphones which are used for active noise cancellation. The Level On headphones have got an supra-aural design meaning they sit on your ears instead of around them. This wireless headphones would connect to your smartphone via Bluetooth.
The second headphone is called as the Level Link. This is basically a small Bluetooth dongle having a 3.5mm of headphone jack wherein you can plug your earphones or any other audio system and then can play music wirelessly through it. The good thing is that these headphones are two way, for example users would be able to connect their TV through their headphones jack wherein the device would audio transmit and another Bluetooth headset would be receiving it. Thus you can turn an audio source into a wireless transmitter of sound.
The Level On wireless headphones are priced for $257 while the Level Blink are priced for $72.
Samsung announces its Wireless Level On and Bluetooth Level Link headphones
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