Chinese handset manufacturer – Vivo, has managed to create much of the buzz in the industry for its upcoming Vivo X5 Pro. The company which currently holds top spot for offering the worlds thinnest handset (Vivo X5 Max) is now all set to release yet another magnificent smart handset. The Vivo X5 is said to be having a front camera capable of shooting 32MP selfies. Additionally the handset is also supposed to have a 2.5D curved glass for its display giving it a different look. Now the company has confirmed the existence of a retina scanner to the handset.
The Vivo X5 Pro is tipped to be having a 6inch display with the powerful Snapdragon 615 chipset on-board. The handset is said to have a superior 3GB of RAM memory. The handset is also said to have a whopping 3200-3500mAh of battery life. The excellent thing will be the presence of the retina scanner security by its camera. However this is not the first handset to come with this technology but it certainly is better option – as compared to the fingerprint scanner seen in most of the flagships this day – offering higher security.
The camera sensor to the front would be employed to trace out the unique blood vessels within the retina offering higher security to the device. We are certainly waiting for an official word from the company and would soon get you with all the official details once they are our way.
via The Android Soul
Retina scanner for the Vivo X5 Pro gets confirmed
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