9 Mayıs 2015 Cumartesi

A Typical Day with Video Game Players Which Get Paid Thousands of Dollars to Play Video Game

Team Liquid consists of five young men who are professional gamers. They earn about $60,000 each, not mentioning the sponsorship and streaming deals that they get from other companies. On top of that they live for free in LA condo. All they have to do is to play very well at League of Legends.

Despite all those fancy stuffs, being a professional gamer has its own pressure, the same as any other job. Professional gamers need to play up to 14 hours a day to maintain their skill or improve it in the virtual world and they have a low job security.

“Gamers run on a different schedule than the rest of the world”,  according to Team Liquid owner Steve Arhancet. The members normally wake up around 12 p.m. and may stay up late until 3 a.m or later just playing games. Some of the member such as Diego “Quas” Ruiz, honed his skill in the game by using computers at the internet café runs by his mother before he join Team Liquid. He come from Maracaibo, Venezuela and now he is on professional sports visa in the US.

As soon as the members woke up, they straight away use their computer to check Twitter and Reddit as well as watching another match from League Championship Series (LCS) which they will be competing later that day. LCS main objective is to promote the game League of Legends and it attracts thousands of people until now.


A Typical Day with Video Game Players Which Get Paid Thousands of Dollars to Play Video Game

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