Chinese handset manufacturer – Xiaomi has been experiencing a roller coaster ride every since it has started to go global and has gained enough popularity in India over the past year. Now the company is currently sending out invitations for a global smartphone event to be held in Delhi on the 23rd of April. This new invite mentions the coming of the new “i” which leads to a speculation that the international version of the recent flagship model Mi4 is to be unveiled at the event.
There are few additional reasons we are expecting the Xiaomi Mi4i as the name has currently popped in the IDA (Infocomm Development authority) database of Singapore wherein it’s said to be having a 2015 model for the Xiaomi Mi4. The phone model has recently appeared at the GeekBench 3 which shows the device to be having a 2GB of RAM and a 64-bit Qualcomm octa-core chipset clocked at 1.65GHz.
However, this seems to be low-specs device than the original flagship and we are yet now aware regarding the pricing and availability of the handset. Well, it has to be seen in which countries the company would be launching this new mid-range model. Xiaomi President Bin Lin, CEO Lei Jun and Global VP Hugo Barra is said to attend this event.
source: IBN
Xiaomi to unveil its new global smartphone on April 23rd
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